JioSh URL Brand Information

JioSh-Brand-Information (Link :


About name:

JioSh – The reason we chose this name for our Company is how it represents the value of our organization | JioSh URL Brand Information | We were very clear about our mission and objective from the beginning. Hence, we wanted it to reflect in the name of our company. It is very crucial to feel motivated and dedicated to your work every day. And keeping a name that brings together our beliefs in a small word helps us remember the importance of our work and its purpose. Therefore, we will break our organization’s name and let you know what morals each letter hides behind itself.

JioSh URL Brand Information

Meaning of every letter:

J – The first value starts from J, Joyful. We believe that a workplace or a work community should feel like home. And it is only possible if the employees spread a cheerful spirit amongst themselves. It increases productivity, and the results are more efficient.

I – The second value is from I. I stand for Ideas. Any great start-up, company, or strategy starts with an idea. You can’t declare an idea weak if you do not work upon it and analyze its pros and cons. Hence, it is our responsibility to bring life to every notion.

O – The O is for Openness. We feel that every person working in the organization should feel the freedom to express their genuine opinion. The more suggestions and outlooks are there on the table, the better. It feels more refreshing!

S – S means Superb. It reflects our attitude towards each other and our clients or customers. Your attitude can make or break things. No matter how qualifiable your product is, carrying the wrong attitude, you cannot stick to the market for the long run. Hence, have a superb attitude about your work and life.

H – The last letter, H, is for Hope. Hope is something that drives every person to achieve something that seems impossible. It gives you a lot of encouragement to transform yourself into the best.

The reason behind the short name for our organization:

You might feel that the name of our company is very short as compared to other companies. People usually like to keep larger names for their firms. Some of the companies names are a construct of two words. However, we were sure of the one thing that the name of our company should not be about looking classy or upmarket. Our work needs to speak for itself. Hence, we went on with the name JioSh that not only bond our vision but also is a name that is easy to remember. We do not want our clients or customers to be struggling with remembering the name or its pronunciation. Whenever somebody needs to shorten their link, the first name we want to come to their mind is JioSh. | JioSh URL Brand Information |

About Logo:

JioSh Logo

While we were creating our logo, we wanted the logo to speak for our services. People should get an idea of what JioSh is about by having a look at the logo. After thinking about it a lot of times, we came up with this logo. This logo says all that we want to express. It is showing the values and objectives of the firm. It portrays our services, and its colours are variant than usual. We already mentioned how the name of our organization stands for our faith and gives us confidence. Now, let’s see what the logo has to say about our firm and how well it describes our organization. We will deeply explain the symbol, colours, and coordination behind it. Let’s get straight into it.

Our logo consists of our name and a small symbol within the title. The word “Jio” is in capitals, and the word “sh” is in small fonts. Before “sh,” you can see a chain connecting the Big O with the small O. Now, why this logo? And most importantly, how is it depicting our brand, “JioSh,” optimistically? JioSh URL

The symbol:

JioSh Symbol

The most important task of a logo is to constitute the brand name. Plus, it should also give a slight hint of services that we are willing to offer. Nowadays, the logo has become more about stylishly writing the name. However, we went for the traditional method and decided that our logo must show our domain service in the most creative way possible. And here it is. We are here to shorten your URL links for your campaigns or running ads. And you can see it through the symbol of two “O” connecting through a chain. It is a virtual representation of how your huge massive URL link can turn into a small shortened link in a matter of seconds. | JioSh URL Brand Information |

The colour selection and coordination:

The colour that our creative teams opt for was blue and orange. Blue is a colour that depicts stability and inspiration. It also comes under one of the most calming colours. On the other side, the orange colour illustrates excitement, warmth, and a colour that draws attention. If you notice, the values of these colours are somewhat similar to the beliefs of our company. We have mentioned that earlier in this blog. And considering that, they both were perfect for us to represent ourselves. We see it as the ideal balance between being calm and yet being enthusiastic about your work.

The different fonts for “Jio” and “sh” :

As you notice, the font of the word is different in the logo. The first three words of our logo, i.e., “Jio,” have a big font size. However, the last two words of the logo, “sh,” have a small font size. It is one of another way to reflect our services through our logo. The massive font size letters are a metaphor for the lengthy URLs and are not presentative to watch. However, the shorter font size letters picture how it becomes short in length, height, and looks better. And the transformation that happens between these letters has happened because of the chain in between them. That chain is us. We are the ones who are going to transform your lengthy messed-up link into a smaller better-looking link. And that is visible from our small logo. Isn’t it? | JioSh URL Brand Information

JioSh Brand Information

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